Survey Results and Time Capsule


These are the results to the survey we conducted during our project. 





You Remember people for...


You base you opinions on others based upon their family's legacy or reputation


You believe that you are put on earth for a predetermined reason


When someone you care about does something that is immoral, you remember him/her for...


Do you find believing and consequently judging people based upon their reputation


What do you want your legacy to be?

i want my legacy to be something with helping the world such as feeding the poor.I want to be remembered for helping others in the world. I am very fortunate to live life the way I do, and I want to spread that to those who aren't as privileged.I don't know what I want my Legacy to be. I feel that my life will take me wherever it is already "predetermined' to go. I think my Legacy will come in time. Its already made...I just have to find it. my personality and who i am on the insidemy biggest accomplishment and fulfilled goalsi would like my legacy to be that i did something good on my own....

If you can put anything in a time capsule what would it be?

I would put a list of everything done in the world to help others and hurt others. That way people in the future can learn from our successes and failures. I would put the ideas of communication and tolerance in a time capsule. I believe that many iniquities stem from lack of communication and intolerance among people in our society. If these things didn't exist, there would be a great decrease in chaos and evil (in my own opinion).If i could put anything in a time capsule it would probably be my pink blanket because its something that describes me and I always keep it with me....although ...

Time Capsule

According to, a time capsule is a container for preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time. Items are placed inside of this capsule that represent a person, time period, community or other group. When it is opened later on, it shows their legacy. That is what they wanted to be remembered for. As a portion of our experimental, we asked the interviewees, "If you can put anything in a time capsule what would it be?" 

We ran out of time during our presentation,but we wanted everyone to write down what they would put in a time capsule and place it in our very own experiemental time capsule.