The Evolution of Production

  • Products used to be from individuals, now from companies
  • This process changed during the Commercial Revolution during which people began to mass-produce products instead of customizing them to the customers’ every need.
  • Prior to the Commercial Revolution, the mastercraftsmen owned capital and means of production along with providing labor.  Products were produced upon order (no stock), and therefore limited amounts of money were attained.  This was known as a “low risk, low reward” system; limited amounts of capital were invested (low risk) and limited amounts of money were made (low reward).  Once the Commercial Revolution occurred, this system shifted dramatically.  The “Domestic System” (Putting Out) was engendered in which entrepreneurs invest capital to make money.  This involves greater risk, but also a greater reward; people began to hire others to work in their home to provide a mass-produced product instead of products customized for the individual consumer.
  • This relates to legacy in that the whole dynamic of receiving a hand-made product designed specifically for one person, and therefore the legacy of that type of business, has shifted over time.  One witnesses a “change” of legacy at this historical milestone.

Matrilineal or Patrilineal?

  • Definition: relating to, based on, or tracing descent through the maternal line
  • Definition: relating to, based on, or tracing descent through the paternal line

This relates to legacy as people’s legacies get passed down differently.  Gender has a great deal of pull on how one’s legacy will be remembered.  For example, female legacies will be of greater significance in matrilineal societies, while patrilineal societies will favor those of its male members.

Native American societies were always matrilineal, while some argue that America was a patrilineal society due to the fact that we did not allow women’s suffrage until the 1920s.