Evolution: the genetic change of a species overtime  


Darwin: Charles Darwin was an expert in evolution. The following are some of his mains ideas on the reasoning behind evolution:

·      Species face struggle for existence/ ex. overpopulation and competition

·      Survival of the fittest: Variations (slight differences) occur from generation to generation caused by genetic mutations. These variations cause the new generations to be better adapted to their environment. Also, offspring that are more fit will out-compete others, survive, and pass on their adapted DNA. 

·      Natural selection: Individuals that survive pass on their desirable traits to the offspring. Those organism that die had unfavorable traits. These unfavorable traits are then eliminated.  

Other notes on Evolution:      

  • Evolution leads to extinction of species because those that cannot survive are wiped out, but the species that do survive will reproduce.  
  • Evolution is the change in inherited traits through generations 
  • Some species split into separate groups and form their own species 
Phylogenic trees: 
Phylogenic/ Evolutionary Trees show the relationship of species to one and another. Charles Darwin was the first to do the tree of life. Phylogenic trees start from a common ancestor and keep branching off and forming new species, who in turn form new species. This accounts for some differences and similarities between genetic make-up. These Phylogenic trees have limitations. For example, they don’t take into consideration hybridization.    

Phylogenic Tree