
-        According to “Halakha” a child is not Jewish if the child’s mother is not Jewish (Deuteronomy 7:1-5, Leviticus 24:10, Ezra 10:2-3)

-        Branches of Conservative and Orthodox Judaism strongly believe in this, while the Reform movement supports that a child can be Jewish is one of his/her parents is Jewish and he/she has experienced Jewish rites of passage

-        All groups are open to sincere converts

-        Life is valued above almost all else – Talmud: all people are descended from a single person; taking a single life is akin to destroying an entire word, like how saving a single life is saving an entire world

-        Of the 613 commandments mentioned in the Torah, only murder, idolatry, incest, and adultery are so important that they cannot be violated to save a life

-        Death is not a tragedy – natural process, part of G-d’s plan

-        Afterlife

-        Mourning practices:

o   Not an expression of fear or distaste for death

o   Two purposes: to show respect for the dead (kavod ha-met) and to comfort the living (nihum avelim)

-        Shiva:

o   For 7 days beginning the day of the burial to the morning of the 7th day

o   Mirrors are covered

o   Minyan – prayer service with 10 people

-        Yahrzeit

o   Every year on the anniversary of the death

o   Recite Kaddish

o   Take an aliyah

o   Light candle that burns for 24 hours

-        Yizkor

o   Say prayer on Yom Kippur,

o   Shemini Azeret

o   Last day of Passover

o   Shavu’ot

-        Instead of losing faith in G-d after death, Judaism forces one to reaffirm faith in G-d to insure the merit of deceased in G-d’s eyes because the deceased must have been a very good parent to raise a child who could express such faith in the face of personal loss

-        Tombstones

o   Unveiled after 12-month mourning period – the dead will not be forgotten when he is being mourned every day

o   When visiting, one leaves stones instead of flowers – “calling card” for the deceased, rocks are permanent and cannot get blown away



o   Follow pattern throughout the service of shifting from death to life

§  In hopes of seeing that their loved one is not really gone, but with Jesus Christ for all eternity

§  Resurrection

§  If the deceased is a child who has been baptized but has not reached the age of reason, funerals are joyous affairs – it is assumed that G-d will be merciful and he or she will go to heaven

§  Adult who has been baptized – feelings more mixed à hopeful and confident, but not certain that loved one will go to heaven

§  If person wasn’t baptized, they cannot have a Catholic funeral

§  If person was baptized but later rejected the faith, they can have a Catholic funeral

§  Wakes


-        Death very emotional and painful time, one that may be filled with hope and mercy

-        Death is a departure from the life of this world, but not the end of a person’s existence

-        Eternal life is yet to come

-        Observe 3-day mourning period

o   Increased devotion, avoiding decorative clothing and jewelry

-        Everything in the earthly life is left behind; no more opportunities to perform acts of righteousness except 3 things:

o   Charity given during life which continues to help others

o   Knowledge from which people to continue to benefit

o   Righteous child who prays for him or her

For more information on death rituals, please visit the following for the article "Religious Rituals for the Departed" by Rev. John-Brian Paprock: http://interfaithsociety.blogspot.com/2010/02/religious-rituals-for-departed.html